poisonous | 53.7 seconds | 🤢
not a doctor | 🤒 | 51.8 seconds
💨 beside 💨 total 💨 strangers 💨| 49.8 seconds | 💨
till now | 52.8 seconds | 😷
every moment | 43.5 seconds | 🤔
200 I don't feel good | 57.3 seconds | 💉
donde quieren ir 🥚
you see where I got it all mixed up 🎧
medicine, right 💊
took your suit 🍩
not fast enough 🪺
scotch and blood orange 🥃
make a run for it 🚽
memory of a fuckin' fly 🪰
real, real people 💸
where she confronts | 60.0 seconds
60.0 seconds @ 58.6s ? ⌚
not far off 📰
to be fair 🛷
[was/is - Kids in the Hall - Citizen Kane | HBO Sketch Pad (2001) - YouTube]