he wanders
1:58.4 - 2:18.3
lot's of people use the word fascist carelessly. fascism is a totalitarian state of any kind that engages in perpetual war, to support or just claim justification for their totalitarian lack of meaningful governance. being authoritarian alone may be illegal in our constitutional democracy that largely depends on seeing enumerated and unenumerated rights respected. actually being a totalitarian in america is to be an easily prosecuted criminal in our country. to call someone fascist here in america implies war for the sake of committing other crimes. if that's what someone meant, i'd need elaboration or would just dismiss their statement and possibly just dismiss them as well.
worlds except
ham and cheese
spreads worldwide
and now wait
out there someplace
1:22.3 - 2:18.3
fifty bucks
google it
hard chee
[looks like raw pork loin.]
jukebox stuck
needle to poke in you- -the bottom line
yourself and question
else annoys
4:15.7 -> ๐ฑ ๐ณ ๐ ๐ชฉ โ๏ธ ๐ณ ๐ฒ
enjoy book so much
maybe in the future i'll go ahead and try 'alternative' tunings. i don't think about it quite that way. for now, i'm okay with sticking to twelve tone tuning and don't feel that i've run out of options. so much of electronic music is comparatively brand new to begin with and really has seen the instruments and effects available improve dramatically. maybe if i was stuck with a theremin being innovative i'd have moved on already. also, i have plenty of different ideas left to work out.